8-Month-Old Sleep Regression: What Is It And How To Handle

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Infancy sleep regression stages are commonly seen and occur in conjunction with the baby’s neurodevelopment. An 8-month sleep regression is defined as an abrupt shift in sleep pattern, such as waking up in the middle of the night, in an eight-month-old infant who had previously slept well.

Their sleep-wake cycle may be disrupted, causing fussiness, more daytime sleep, and difficulty falling asleep at night. While this transition may be concerning for parents, it is only transitory. You can get through it with minimal difficulty by learning more about the phase.

Read on to learn more about 8-month sleep regression, including its causes and treatment options.

In This Article

What Are The Causes Of Eight-Month Sleep Regression?

According to experts, sleep regressions can happen due to (1):

  1. Sleep cycle shift: On average, babies between three and six months of age might sleep thrice (for about two hours each time) during the day. On the other hand, babies between six and 12 months of age have about one to two daytime naps each day, usually about one to two hours long each (2). Experts believe that this shift in a baby’s sleep cycle might cause sleep regression.
protip_icon Quick fact
Most babies are physiologically ready to sleep through the night without being fed by six months old. However, about 25-50% of babies may continue to wake up during the night (10).
Babies between three and six months of age might sleep thrice

Image: Shutterstock

  1. Growth and development: At around eight and nine months of age, babies learn several new skills at a time. Babbling, copying sounds, clapping hands, crawling, and pulling up to stand are a few things they are mastering (3).These simultaneous developmental changes may lead to temporary sleep disturbance in babies (4).
  1. Separation anxiety: Experts note that rapid emotional development and increased awareness of surroundings may cause sleep troubles in eight-month-olds. Separation anxiety, an emotional development milestone, could be a reason why a baby wakes up in the middle of the night and searches for their parent or caregiver (5). A baby develops separation anxiety when they learn about “object permanence.” Most babies develop separation anxiety by nine months of age. However, some may develop it as early as four to five months (6).
A baby develops separation during 8 months

Image: Shutterstock

In some cases, a baby may be waking up at night due to an illness or teething. If you are unsure why your baby is suddenly waking up at night, consult a pediatrician.

What Are The Signs Of Eight-Month Sleep Regression?

Baby clings during sleep regression phase

Image: Shutterstock

Some potential signs of eight-month-old sleep regression are (1):

  • Increased awakening during the middle of the night
  • Difficulty getting back to sleep even when the parent or caregiver is present
  • Excessive fussiness, crankiness, crying, or clinginess once the baby wakes up
  • Less nighttime sleep and longer daytime naps

Every infant is different and may show different sleep-related problems and signs of sleep regression. If your baby awakens very frequently each night, consult a pediatrician to determine the likely cause.

How Long Does Sleep Regression Last?

Each baby is different, and so is the duration of their sleep regression. Usually, an eight-month sleep regression lasts for two to six weeks but could last for a shorter duration if parents successfully sleep train the baby (1) (7). But even so, a baby may have occasional sleep issues.

Do note sleep regression usually happens around four, six, eight, 12, and 18 months of age. You may expect a recurrence as your eight-month-old grows.

How To Manage Sleep Regression In Babies?

Patience and persistence can help your baby develop a definite sleep pattern necessary to manage sleep regression. Here are some basics to follow (1).

  1. Follow safe sleep practices. Place your baby on their back during naps and bedtime. Dress them suitably to prevent overheating. Remove stuffed toys, fluffy blankets, pillows, and comforters from the baby’s crib since they can increase the risk of suffocation. These safe sleep practices can help a baby sleep undisturbed through the night.
  1. Stick to a sleep schedule as much as possible. It applies to both nap times and bedtime. Although developing and maintaining a sleep-wake schedule during sleep regression can be challenging, it can certainly help an infant adjust to a set sleep pattern once sleep regression ends.
Stick to baby's sleep schedule

Image: Shutterstock

  1. Expose the baby to natural light during the daytime. Keep them active with interactive, playful activities to reduce their daytime naps. It could help make a baby feel tired by evening and sleep soundly at night. Being active during the daytime and sleepy during the night can help establish a healthy sleep-wake pattern.
  1. Ensure the baby’s basic needs are met before you put them to sleep. A baby is likely to wake up in the middle of the night if they are hungry or their diaper is full. Do not hesitate to rock, nurse, or comfort your baby to put them to sleep, if needed. Remember, you should train your baby to self-soothe, but you can comfort them to sleep when they aren’t able to sleep themselves.
  1. Avoid disturbance and distractions in and around your baby’s sleep area. A baby will sleep more comfortably in a noise-free and darkroom than a place with constant commotion. If required, experiment with soothing tools, such as white noise machines, sleep sacks, and blackout curtains to help your baby sleep peacefully.
protip_icon Experts say
The American Academy of Pediatrics advises putting the baby to sleep (on their back) as soon as they display signs of drowsiness so they will learn to sleep on their own (11).
  1. Practice separation to manage separation anxiety. Start by being away from your baby for short durations during the day. It will help a baby understand that even when out of sight, you come back. During the night, be available to your baby when they wake up but avoid lingering around as much as possible.

While managing your baby’s sleep regression, pay heed to self-care. Eat healthy, exercise regularly, and sleep soundly as much as possible. Don’t shy away to take help from friends and family to let yourself rest adequately. Remember, only when you are well-rested, you can help your baby sleep well.

When To See A Doctor?

Sleep regressions are usually temporary. However, if it worsens or extends for a longer duration, consult a pediatrician. Below are some of the signs and symptoms that need attention.

  • Sleep regression lasts for more than six weeks
  • Reduced appetite
  • Decreased bowel movement or urination
  • Abnormal breathing during sleep

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the stages of sleep regression?

Sleep regression may occur in babies during the third or 4th month, 6th month, between 8th and 10th month, 1 year, 1.5 years, 2 years, or 3 years.

2. What’s the worst sleep regression?

The worst sleep regression may be caused due to teething pains along with growth spurts and other milestones. This may vary from child to child and may include the 3rd, 4th or 7th month of sleep regression (8).

3. How long does crawling sleep regression last?

The crawling age usually corresponds to the 8th or 9th-month sleep regression and may last for a few weeks (1) (9).

4. My eight-month-old baby never had a sleep regression. Is this normal

Eight-month sleep regression isn’t a common experience for babies. Some may experience better sleep during this time, while others may undergo minor changes in their sleep pattern (1). Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor if you have concerns regarding your baby’s sleep behavior.

8-month sleep regression is when a baby who has been sleeping well experiences poor sleep. It is likely due to the baby’s brain development, physical development, or separation anxiety. Do not panic as it is temporary and may last two to three weeks in most babies. You can help your baby develop a healthy sleep-wake pattern to manage sleep regression by following some baby sleep basics. Consult a pediatrician if it worsens and extends for long to determine the likely cause. Parents or caregivers should also focus on self-care while managing the baby’s sleep regression and should not shy away from asking for help.

Infographic: 8-Month-Olds’ Sleep Patterns And Sleep Routine

A baby waking up in the middle of the night can be worrisome, especially for first-time parents who don’t know how much sleep babies need. Our infographic brings the information on an eight-month-old’s sleep pattern to help you better understand your baby’s sleep changes. We also share simple tips to develop a sleep routine for babies.

8 month olds sleep patterns and sleep routine (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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Key Pointers

  • Sleep cycle changes, new growth and development, and separation anxiety are common reasons for sleep regression in 8-month-old babies.
  • Issues with falling asleep, increased awakening in sleep, and fussiness are a few indicators of sleep regression.
  • This condition may last two to three weeks in most babies, and the duration may vary depending on the sleep training.


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.
1. 8-Month Sleep Regression; Sleep Foundation
2. Sleep patterns for babies; Pregnancy, Birth and Baby
3. 8-9 months: baby development; Raising Children
4. From Safe Sleep to Healthy Sleep: A Systemic Perspective on Sleep In the First Year; University Of Washington
5. Emotional and Social Development: 8 to 12 Months; Healthy Children; AAP
6. How to Ease Your Child’s Separation Anxiety; Healthy Children; AAP
7. Christina Stolfo, Sleep Training; North well Health
8. Teething Tots; KidsHealth
9. Everything you need to know about 9-month sleep regression; CHOC – Children’s Health Orange County
10. Sleep in Infants (2-12 Months); Nationwide Children’s Hospital.
11. Getting Your Baby to Sleep; American Academy of Pediatrics.
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